


The ICSS Tuckshop offers two days of service per week.

• Wednesday and
• Friday

for both first and second break.

Our Tuckshop Convenor is Clara Rodríguez Quirós​.

Clara is​ supported by a wonderful team and volunteers.

For Tuckshop related feedback, questions or queries please contact Clara at​ or phone the school direct, 3514 9333, on Tuckshop days and your call will be transferred.


ICSS's Tuckshop relies upon the support of our many volunteers. Helping out at Tuckshop is fun, a great place to meet new people and a useful contribution to our school. Our volunteers help to ensure our Tuckshop offers a tasty, healthy, affordable and inclusive menu. And of course, kids love to see someone they love at Tuckshop.

To volunteer please use this link

We have three volunteer shifts each day —

1  8:00am to 11:00am
2  11:00am to 1:30pm and
1:30pm to 2:55pm

Please choose a timeslot (or 2) that will suit you over the term ahead. All are welcome!

To comply with school processes, please sign-in as a volunteer at the school reception on your way to volunteering at Tuckshop.

Some tasks that our Tuckshop volunteers get in involved with are —

Bag labelling  •  Sandwich making  •  Fruit and vegetable chopping  • Counter service  •  Clean up  •  Baking  •  Toastie prep  •  Apple slinkies  • ​Pizza making  •  ​Order filling  •  Burger prep  •  Popcorn making  •  And many more…​


Homebake is a well loved menu item and many recipes are suitable for students with allergies. All Homebake contributions must use our carefully vetted recipes to ensure they are safe and healthy for our students to eat. To view the selection, click the links on​ the right of this page. If you would like to become a regular or occasional contributor of Homebake  goods, please contact Clara​​​ directly at​​.​​

P&C Sub-committee​

The ICSS Tuckshop is administered by the ICSS P&C under the oversight of the ICSS Tuckshop Sub-committee. The current sub-committee members are —

Catherine Lamb
Lia White
Sandy McCathie 
Mandy Miller
•  Renee Barker and
Carlos Arias

The ICSS Tuckshop Sub-committee has been working diligently over the past several months to re-establish an in-house Tuckshop service. Key elements have included community consultation (survey), staff recruitment, a menu refresh, a new more streamlined ordering app, Qkr! and some small changes based on the feedback received from the survey.

The Tuckshop Sub-committee would like to warmly invite anyone with an interest in helping to guide the operations of the Tuckshop to join our small and friendly sub-committee.

To express interest in joining the sub-committee or to provide feedback or suggestions directly to the sub-committee please email​. We are always open to ways that we can improve our offering and hearing your views.


The ICSS Tuckshop aims to offer freshly prepared nutritious food & drinks which children enjoy. We've won awards (QAST Smart Choices 2017,2012, 2009) and mentored schools seeking to improve their service. ICSS tuckshop is nut free. We provide gluten free (GF), dairy free, egg free, vegetarian/vegan options as listed on our menu. View our menu on Qkr!​

Allergy notice  Parents, teachers, carers, guardians and students are reminded that in our school tuckshop, despite our best efforts, food served may contain various allergens such as milk, eggs, wheat (gluten), soy, traces of nuts/tree nuts, etc. Such food may not be suitable for people with certain allergies.

Ordering with the Qkr! App

Instructions —
1  Please download the Qkr! ® app from the App store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android).
2  Search for “Ithaca Creek State School” in the list schools and select it
3  Create a profile for each of your children.  You need to include their class to your account. 
4  To order, go to menu tab, select the Tuckshop, select the date, select the child and then peruse the menu adding each item to your order. 

5  When you’re finished you c​an check out and pay with your credit card. 

Qkr! will prompt at the beginning of each tuckshop order for any allergies to alert the Tuckshop of a order containing specific allergies. 

Ordering for Tuckshop is open until 8:00am the day of service and exclusively via our ordering app, Qkr! 

In addition to this, students are able to purchase, using cash, from a small selection of snacks over the counter, during second break only. We believe this is a great opportunity for our kids to experience using money and paying for things in a safe, familiar environment.

The Tuckshop receives a detailed report of all orders and payments, labels are printed and added to paper bags, orders are filled accordingly and placed in the Class bucket for collection by the class representatives.

Emergency lunches

In the unfortunate event of a child presenting to Tuckshop who has no lunch, the Tuckshop may, in communication with the child, and with checks undertaken around allergies, provide an 'emergency lunch' suitable for the child. In this event, a very basic sandwich or cheese and​​ biscuits plus an apple will be offered. After an emergency lunch has been provided, parents will be contacted and a small fee will be payable.

Last reviewed 08 May 2024
Last updated 08 May 2024