
Student services and support programs


​​​Inclusive education is a large part of the values embedded into our school culture and our ability to cater for and support students with specialised learning needs is a strength of our school community.  Our Support Services Committee allows for a multi-disciplinary approach to individual case management.

We are committed to the provision of equita​ble educational opportunities so that all students have access to, participate in and gain positive outcomes from schooling.

In striving to provide equitable educational opportunities for all, it is acknowledged that for some students to receive appropriate support (low-incidence disabilities, learning difficulties, and/or behaviour and communication challenges) it will be necessary to draw on the expertise of a range of support personnel.

Find out more at Education Queensland.

Classroom support

Our dedicated team of Teacher Aides support all students in classrooms as well as in small groups and individually and provide direct support to students receiving support through the Student Support Services.  They are an integral part of our school community and work consistently to improve the schooling experience for all our students.

Student Support Services Manager

The Manager of Student Support Services (MOSSS) primary role is to support the students, families and professionals of our students requiring educational adjustments and learning supports.  The MOSSS is source of advice, guidance, individual case management and facilitates the development of Individual Curriculum Plans and Education Adjustment Profiles with teachers and families.  The MOSSS also communicates with all families receiving support to offer services, professional development, experiences sharing and open communication.

English as a Second Language

Our English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher provides support and delivery of individual ESL programs.  Our ESL teacher provides advice and programming support for our students.

Learning support

Our Support Teacher - Literacy and Numeracy, provides support to our students through screening, identification and targeting of strategies to improve the literacy and numeracy abilities of our young learners.

Gifted and talented students

Optimising every student’s opportunity to achieve their potential lies at the heart of Education Queensland’s commitment to all students. We have a GEM (Gifted Education Mentor) who assists staff with identification and program development and modification to cater for the needs of our gifted learners.

Students who are gifted, excel, or are capable of excelling, in one or more areas such as general intelligence, specific academic studies, visual and performing arts, physical ability, creative thinking, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills. Giftedness in a student is commonly characterised by an advanced pace of learning, quality of thinking or capability for remarkably high standards of performance compared to students of the same age. Although these students are capable of outstanding achievement, the learning environment is pivotal to enabling them to demonstrate and develop their abilities. Students who are gifted are at risk of underachieving and disengaging from learning if they are not identified and catered for appropriately.

Ithaca Creek State School has developed a process for identifying gifted students. Many tools are available to assist with identification and a combination of techniques is necessary, including teachers’ informed observations and professional judgment. The recommended identification tool for state schools is the Gifted and Talented Checklist for Teachers developed by Michael Sayler.

Parents may find useful information at the Queensland Association of Gifted and Talented Children website.

Our vision for students who are gifted is that they feel valued in a learning environment which both challenges and supports them to pursue excellence and develop a passion for lifelong learning

Guidance Officer

Our Guidance Officer is available to discuss issues with students and families and provides confidentiality and services for families who may require them.


We have the professional knowledge and resources of Education Queensland Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists and English as a Second Language Teachers available to support our school.

Last reviewed 04 February 2025
Last updated 28 February 2024